Invisible: A Series of Events (2023)
An exploration of the unseen — a look into the inconspicuous, the underground, and the things missed when we fail to stop and take in our surroundings.
All images (including color grading) are a product of in-camera settings!!
A Continuation… (2023)
I have chosen to continue the series, however, I have added a sentence or two to each photo as reflections of my thoughts and emotions at the time of the photo being taken and while viewing the photo later.
Exploration Of Underground (2023)
I’ve recently been working a lot on the unconscious existence of art around us. Many of my photos are a series of simple elements of life: a series of elements that go ignored.
Unconscious Art Actualités (2023)
The object of this piece is to find the small things in life that are beautiful. This is done in order to better appreciate the world around us.